Pink Double Dandy
Hauteur: 22".
Temps de floraison: Tardive
Type de fleur: semi double
Hybrideur: Smith, D.R. 2004
Couleur: Rose
Grosseur de la division: 3-5 yeux
Texte d'enregistrement : Seedling # IC 95-39. Parentage: Lactiflora ‘Martha W.’ x tree peony Golden Era. First bloomed 2002. The flowers are a lovely shade of lavender pink that is much darker towards the center. Center contains a sparse ring of stamens with pink filaments and 4-5 light green carpels that are tipped with yellow stigmas. Semi-double to double flowers are 6 inches in size. Plant height to 22 inches. Mild but pleasant fragrance. Buds: 2-3 per stem. Extremely floriferous with long period of bloom