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Hauteur: 28". 

Temps de floraison: Milieu saison

Type de fleur: double
Hybrideur: Smith, D.R. 2002
Couleur: Crème avec bout des pétales roses
Grosseur de la division: 3-5 yeux


Texte d'enregistrement : Parentage: lactiflora Martha W. x Golden Era. Seedling number 1C-94-03. Stamens, pollen, no seeds. 2-3 buds per stem. Stems excellent, 28″ height, blooms midseason, foliage-disease resistant. Double (30-50 petals) tree peony type flowers on herbaceous stems. Flowers are a lovely light cream overlaid and edged with light pink. Darker pink flares are mostly hidden by the petals and are therefore, generally not prominent. Large flowers up to 6″ in diameter. Many excellent lateral buds (1-2 per stem) that produce very double (high built) flowers averaging 5″ across, thus extending the blooming for up to 2½ weeks. Center contains a few stamens and generally 4-5 carpels that are light green with yellow stigmas. Very floriferous with flowers well displayed on upright to slightly arching stems just above and beyond the foliage making this an excellent landscape variety. Plant is very hardy with stems entirely from below ground over-wintering buds. Excellent dark green foliage that lasts well into autumn. Mild but pleasant fragrance.





Des fleurs fraîches chaque semaine pour seulement 28$ par semaine, vase (en consigne) et livraison inclus !

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